28 September 2015
How to Get More Clients as a Local Tradesman

How to Get More Clients as a Local Tradesman

Business on the rise in 2015With the economy still stabilising and foreign businesses threatening to hustle British jobs, it’s more important than ever for local tradespeople to win over as many clients as possible. Of course, it’s not quite as simple as setting up shop and watching the work roll in. Building up a steady client base requires time, dedication and a whole lot of effort. If you’re willing to commit, it’s 100% possible! So how can you drum up more clients as a local tradesman? Read on for our top tips that are guaranteed to get business booming, whether you specialise in roofing, plumbing, electrics or any other profession.

Advertise locally

Want to attract local business? Advertise locally! If you’re a small scale business big scale advertising ploys simply aren’t going to be worth your while. Instead look at purchasing advertising space in the local community newspaper, tacking up flyers on supermarket billboards, handing out business cards and doing door to door leaflet drops.

Provide excellent service

Repeat custom and word of mouth promotion are two of the most valuable business strategies a tradie can employ. And the best thing about them is that they’re both dead easy – as long as you provide excellent service that makes your customers want to return or recommend you to family and friends.

Join database sites

By signing up with database websites such as Trust a Trader you’ll be ensuring that you expand your target customer base as much as possible. Plus you’ll be visible to the plethora of Brits that now use the internet to track down goods and services.

Offer special deals

Brits love a good deal, especially when it’s advertised as a ‘locals only’ special. Make your fellow city, town or borough dwellers feel as VIP as possible by offering them discounts.

Play on the ‘Buy British’ card

The ‘Buy British’ trend is hugely popular and by shouting out about the fact that you’re 100% UK owned and operated, you’ll appeal to the hordes of Brits who want to support local businesses.

Cover your business with insurance

By covering your business with a comprehensive trades insurance policy you’ll be able to offer your customers the total peace of mind that their order is 100% protected. Don’t forget to advertise the fact that you’re insured so new customers choose you over the competition.

Ready to get business rolling in? Follow these tips and you’ll soon notice a huge difference.



17 July 2015

Conservative Leadership Set to Fuel UK Construction Economy

The Tories are back in power and experts are predicting that the British construction industry will prosper. So what’s on the horizon for the construction industry and how will David Cameron and his fellow Conservatives fast-track the nation on its way to prosperity?
