Working in the leisure industry is fun, exciting and full of laughter… Until someone gets hurt. Whether it’s a minor ailment of a fully-fledged hospital worthy injury, as a business owner the responsibility falls entirely on you, regardless of whether or not it was actually your fault. As such, ensuring that you take out adequate insurance cover is an absolute essential, no matter how carefree your workplace. To help you gauge an idea of who needs leisure industry insurance, we’ve put together this guide to a variety of different areas, what could go wrong and how to protect yourself.
Fairground owners
If you manage a fairground, taking out a comprehensive insurance policy should be at the top of your priority list. After all, the sheer size of the space and diversity of activities means there are huge number of things that could go awry. Protecting yourself against visitor injuries is a must, however with an inventory of expensive equipment, material damage and money loss should also be up there.
Face painters
Face painting may seem like a harmless job but in reality, the fact that you’re applying paint directly to a child’s face does pose a number of risks. What would happen if a child had an allergic reaction to your chosen brand of paint? What about if you accidently scratched their eye with your brush? These sorts of scenarios are things that you need to consider in order to protect both yourself and your customers.
Bouncy castle hirers
Bouncy castles represent quintessential fairground fun however with all that activity comes a variety of risks that need to be considered. From minor issues such as tripping over ropes to full on disasters such as broken bones and malfunctioning castles, you’ll need to make sure you have a good level of public liability cover as well as suitable legal expenses cover. Material damage is also essential in case your equipment is punctured.
Ice rink
Everybody loves a trip to the ice rink and while scrapes and bruises generally go unnoticed, you’ll definitely need public liability cover in the case of any serious injuries. In the case of equipment malfunction your entire business will not be turning a profit which means that money loss should also be included.
Whether you operate a small face painting business or a thriving fairground, it is critical to make sure that you take out a sufficient leisure insurance policy which safeguards you, your business and your customers in a worst case scenario. For a comprehensive range of policies at the best prices on the market, make sure you get a quote from the leisure insurance experts at Peacock Insurance.