25th April 2024: MID Disruption
The Motor Insurance Database (MID) records all insured vehicles in the UK and is used by the Police and DVLA to identify uninsured and stolen vehicles.
The Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB) is changing from their current provider to a new provider, now utilising Navigate which is a cloud-based platform.
This change will see all customer data transfer from the 29th of April 2024. As a result of this, the weekend prior to this is being used to migrate the records across which will mean there will be no access and therefore no ability to update records between the 26th and 28th April 2024. Any adjustments during this period will not be able to be updated until the 29th.
As a result of this it is recommended that all drivers retain a copy of their Insurance Details.
Submit a request to amend vehicles on the Motor Insurance Database (MID)
Each Insurer has a different method for you to update the MID. If you are in any doubt as to which insurer you are insured with please refer to your certificate of insurance.
Once the insurer is identified please locate them below and follow the instructions/links to update the MID
Ark Insurance
To visit the website Click Here
You will need to enter your email address and a password; once you have entered your email address and password you will receive an activation email – please follow the instructions to activate your MID. Registration must be completed on a laptop or computer; you cannot register using a mobile device or tablet. Once registration is complete you can make MID updates. You will need to keep note of your login & password as you will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is updated.
Zenith Insurance
Visit Zenith Insurance website at www.zmextra.com
Click ‘Register now’ then click ‘Register’. You will need to enter your policy number; also you will need to enter your email address, date of birth & postcode and then follow all instructions. Please keep note of your login & password as you will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is updated.
Tradewise Insurance
Visit the Tradewise website at www.twonline.co.uk
Click ‘Create an Account’ and follow the instructions on screen. Please keep a note of your login & password, as you will need to enter these each time you need to add or remove vehicles. You will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is updated.
Tradex Insurance
Visit the Tradex Insurance website at https://customerportal.tradex.com/
Click ‘register’ to register as a Tradex customer by following the instructions onscreen. Once you have registered you can use your login & password to enter the website and update your MID by clicking ‘update the MID’ then click ‘update online’. You will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is updated.
Taxi Fleet Plus
Visit the Taxi Fleet Plus website at https://tfptaxi.peterevans.com/quote/mid_portal/login/login.jsp
You will automatically be sent an email from your Insurer (TFP) within 48 hours of taking out your policy; please follow the instructions on the email sent by them.
Road Runner
Visit Roadrunner’s website at www.roadrunnerinsurance.co.uk
Click ‘Existing Customer’ and then click ‘MID Form’. You will need to enter the relevant information required, and then simply enter your vehicle updates and press ‘ submit’. You will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is updated.
Visit PolicyPlans website at www.easymid.co.uk
Click ‘Register’. You will need to access the site via Google Chrome and register using a laptop or computer. Once registration is complete you can make MID updates using any device. You will need to keep a note of your log in & password as you will need to follow this procedure each time you buy or sell a vehicle so that the Motor Insurance Database is up to date. Your insurer also has an app that can be downloaded on your smartphone – please look on their site for details.
Liverpool Victoria
Please contact Peacock Insurance via telephone 02476 437600 with the details for the vehicles you wish to add/remove alternatively you can email mid@peacockinsurance.co.uk In order to process your MID update we require the following information for each vehicle you wish to add:
- Vehicle Make
- Vehicle Model
- Vehicle Engine size
- Vehicle Value
- Vehicle registration number or Trade Plate
- Date the vehicle is to be added or removed
- Whether the vehicle is a stock vehicle or personal vehicle
- Whether the vehicle has any modifications
Haven Insurance
Visit the Haven MID website: www.midasdirect.com
You will automatically be sent an email from your Insurer (Haven) within 24 to 48 hours of taking out your policy; please follow the instructions on the email sent by them.
Covea Insurance
Visit Covea Insurance website at www.coveainsurance.co.uk
Click ‘MID updates’ you will need to enter your policy number, date of birth and your name. Then follow all instructions to add and remove vehicles.
All other insurers not listed above
To submit a request to amend vehicles on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), please call us on 02476 437600, and have the following details ready:
- Policy Number and/or Surname
- Correspondence Postcode
- Vehicle Make
- Vehicle Model
- Vehicle Engine size
- Vehicle Value
- Vehicle Registration number or Trade Plate
- Date the vehicle it to be added or removed
- Whether the vehicle is for Personal or Business use i.e. unsold stock
The Motor Insurance Database (MID) was set up by the insurance industry to help combat this crime, and the police are now the MID’s biggest customer, making over 3.8 million enquiries per month. The DVLA, with over 1 million enquiry transactions a month in support of their Electronic Vehicle Licensing operation, is the second largest user of the MID. The MID also helps the UK comply with the 4th EU Motor Insurance Directive, which requires that insurance details of all vehicles in member states can be easily accessed by a national information centre. In the UK, this role is carried out by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) via the UK Information Centre. If your vehicle is privately insured it will have already been entered onto the MID by your insurer. However, if you a commercial policyholder (including fleets, motor traders and taxi firms), YOU are responsible for regularly submitting information about your vehicles to the database.
Click the link below to see if your vehicle has been added. Please note the database can take up to 7 working days to show once it has been updated. Click here
What is changing?
From 4th February 2011, legislation requires the registered keeper of a vehicle to ensure insurance cover is maintained at all times, unless a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) has been made. If a vehicle is not on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), incorrect details are held or a SORN has not been declared, the registered keeper could face a penalty. The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) will work in partnership to identify uninsured vehicles by comparing the DVLA vehicle records against those held on the MID. Registered keepers will be sent Insurance Advisory Letters highlighting that their vehicle(s) appear to be uninsured and warning they may be fined unless they take action. If keepers fail to comply with the advice set out in the letters they could face:
- a fixed penalty notice of £100
- their vehicle(s) being clamped, seized and disposed of
- a court prosecution with a maximum fine of £1,000
To avoid any of these outcomes, please continue to ensure you advise us of any vehicle changes immediately.
What you must disclose:
You, the policyholder, are required by law to notify us (your insurer) of ALL changes of vehicles (additions and deletions) under the following categories:
- Business and personal vehicles (must be disclosed). You are required to disclose details of all vehicles permanently owned by you (the policyholder). Please note that vehicles owned by spouse’s/employees are not covered by this insurance policy and therefore should not be notified to ourselves for the purpose of the MID.
- You must disclose all trade plate numbers.
- Details of all vehicles in your possession for sale, which are taxed and will be driven, used or parked on a road or public place.
- Passing through vehicles (not disclose able)
- Customer’s vehicles in your custody or control for motor trade purposes e.g. Repair / valet / servicing do not need to be disclosed. Please note however that if these are being driven under Trade Plate regulations, that the trade plate must be disclosed.All changes of vehicles (additions and deletions) must be notified immediately after the change occurs to allow for the information to be transmitted to and processed by the insurer and the updating of the MID within a reasonable period. Methods of communication Please provide the above information using one of the following options:
- By telephone on 02476 437 600
- By clicking the link above
Please note that a Motor Trade Road Risks policy does not provide cover for all vehicles or every eventuality and the submission of this information should not be regarded as an acceptance on our part that cover applies in respect of the registration number of the vehicle disclosed.
Further information regarding the MID can be found on the MIB website at Motor Insurance Bureau – MID information
To find out about Motor Trade Insurance from Peacock Insurance, just call 02476 437 600 or visit our quotes page (see below) where you can complete your details online and we’ll obtain quotes from a panel of specialist insurers. Online quotes are coming soon.
To start a quote click Motor Trade Insurance.